Scott Mann, the Prospective Conservative Parliamentary Candidate will be at the Conservative Club in Launceston, 9 Western Road, Launceston PL15 7AR between 2.30 and 4.30pm this Saturday 21st September and would like to meet as many of the voters as possible and hear what are the issues for residents. There will be bar refreshments and a very warm welcome to all.
Scott Mann, the Prospective Conservative Parliamentary Candidate will be at the Conservative Club in Launceston, 9 Western Road, Launceston PL15 7AR between 2.30 and 4.30pm this Saturday 21st September and would like to meet as many of the voters as possible and hear what are the issues for residents. There will be bar refreshments and a very warm welcome to all.
St Breward Branch (which includes Blisland) will hold its AGM on Monday 14 October. This will be held in the lower room of Blisland Village Hall, starting at 6pm – refreshments will be provided! – and as well as Scott we will welcome former Councillor Mick Martin, Chairman of the (very successful!) A30 Action Group. He will give us an overview of the whole process and the long road to success.
Delabole and St Teath Branch are holding their annual Grand Skittles Championship at Poldark Inn, Delabole PL33 9DQ on Wednesday 18th September 2013, 7pm for 7.30pm commence rolling! Teams of 4 persons. Not in a team? Come along! Scratch teams made up on the night.Entry £8.00 per person - includes basket supper.Contact Alan Jones - 6 Vally View, St. Teath. Telephone: 01208 850478
at St. Teath Community Centre. Bric-a-brac, cake stall, raffle. Admission £1 to include coffee and biscuits. Any donations gratefully accepted. Come along and meet North Cornwall’s Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Cllr. Scott Mann.
Summer Lunch at Trethin, Advent, Camelford PL32 9QW by kind invitation of Mr & Mrs Henry Hine. Guest Speaker: Cllr Scott Mann. Tickets £10. Please RSVP to Mrs Ruth Hine on 01840 213522.